Once in a while we get what we deserve. Thank you to all the students who took the time to fill in the NSSE surveys; to the faculty who help create the engagement; and to the staff who support the whole enterprise. Bravo. The following is from Ken Steele's Academica Top Ten which was posted today.
Trent surpasses provincial average in NSSE: Trent University reports that it has surpassed Ontario results in all 5 survey categories in this year's National Survey of Student Engagement. The university also exceeded the North American average for Level of Academic Challenge and Supportive Campus Environment. 88% of first-year students and 87% of senior-year students surveyed rated their education experience at Trent as either "excellent" or "good," compared to 82% and 77%, respectively, in Ontario and 86% and 85% in North America. 87% of first-year Trent students said they would attend the institution if they could start over again, compared to an average of 85% across Ontario and North America. 82% of senior-year students at Trent affirmed their choice as well, compared to 76% in Ontario and 82% in North America. Trent News Release | Add/Read Comments