Differentiation. An interesting concept. For many colleagues at Trent the word recalls back in the day when Trent was awarded a "differentiation grant" by the Ontario government to support its unique interdisciplinary mission and a pedagogy centred on small classrooms and intimate tutorials. There were trade-offs, of course, and in many ways our current graduate programs are a legacy of the commitment to offer interdisciplinary programs unavailable elsewhere. In fact, we still receive the grant which forms part of our overall operating budget.
But today the concept of differentiation constitutes one of our major (controversial) challenges as we develop the academic plan. The brainchild of the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), "differentiation" refers to the idea that each of Ontario's 20 universities should differentiate itself from all the others by dedicating its resources to "what it does best". As Harvey Weingarten argues in "The Benefits of Greater Differentiation of Ontario's University Sector," differentiation will allow each University to develop its own mandate with the government; for some universities it may mean a greater emphasis on teaching, for others on research intensiveness, for others a hybrid of the two, etc.
For someone as old as me this idea recalls two distinct events of both the distant and recent past: one is the Thatcherite division of the post-secondary system in the U.K. into teaching contra research institutions; the other is the paradigm shift at NSERC which now focuses most heavily on the production of "highly qualified personnel" or HQPs. Read one way, the big are getting bigger and the small are faced with just fading away. Read another (more cheerful) way, now is the chance to set our course and get budgetary support for it.
Which means that if we at Trent do not differentiate ourselves in our mandate meeting with the government in the Fall 2011 we will inadvertently position ourselves to have differentiation thrust upon us. Not a good thing. I would rather we define ourselves rather than be defined by an external body.
I would encourage all colleagues to read the HEQCO report, especially given that it is a formal recommendation to the government of Ontario. You can access the document at: http://www.heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/DifferentiationENG.pdf. After reading it please do not burn, but rather give careful thought to the development of our academic plan which will be not only an academic "recovery" document, but also a survival manual.